Proud Provider of American Red Cross Lifeguarding

Upcountry Lifeguards provides commercial pools with the best lifeguards in Greenville, SC. We take training seriously. Our Red Cross guards participate in regular in-service trainings and drills. Our lifeguards also provide excellent member service, from checking in to concessions.
Looking for more help? Upcountry Lifeguards provides turnkey services to improve your revenue, outreach, and member services.
We do things a little differently at Upcountry Lifeguards. We believe that lifeguarding is a valuable, important skill, and one of the best jobs for teenagers and young adults. We believe in paying a fair, living wage. We believe in training and mentorships to support our guards so they can support your membership better. We believe in treating every pool as the only pool.
Contact us today to learn more.
We service commercial and community pools in Upstate, SC, providing them with excellent pool management, lifeguards, and administrative support.
Read what our partners say about our leadership, our lifeguards, and our services.
Want to know more? We are always happy to schedule a consultation or provide you with a complete proposal for our turnkey pool management services.

Upcountry Lifeguards was started in 2022 by Sara Hinson and her son, Cole Fraser. Aquatics is culture in this family -- Sara lifeguarded from age 16 to 25, and served as the Aquatics Director of Caine Halter YMCA before moving into marketing and advertising operations. Cole swam for Team Greenville and several SAIL teams before earning his lifeguard certificate in 2021.
Upcountry Lifeguards offers in-house Red Cross training and holds regular in-service trainings. We also provide marketing and membership support, whether you need someone to manage your website, your social media, your emails, or help drive your memberships and revenue.
The lifeguards we employ are, we believe, the best in Greenville. We would love to get to know your pool and help provide the turnkey services that will make your job easier and thrill your membership.